Create Text Column


A custom text column allows you to add free-text values to any document row while editing a privilege log. Custom text columns are unavailable outside of MA privilege logs unless the custom text column is part of a finalized log. From the COLUMNS button menu, select Create Text Column. The Create a Free Text Column modal window displays. Enter the COLUMN NAME, then click CREATE or CREATE AND ADD LOG. CREATE AND ADD LOG creates the new field and automatically adds it as the last field in the current privilege log. You are then returned to the privilege log. Click the EDIT button to add free text to any row. If you want to create a new text field but not add it to the privilege log at this time, enter the column name and click CREATE. Using the Columns Select menu option, you can add this column to a privilege log anytime. Notice that when you go to select this column, it has the custom column icon next to its name.

Custom or delete a text column 

On the privilege log page, the gear icon for a custom text column has a drop-down menu with two options, Rename and Delete. When Rename is selected, the following modal window displays for changing the name of the custom text column. Enter the new name and click SAVE. Use the second option, Delete to delete the free text column and all values. A warning displays that allows you to reconsider your choice.

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