Edit Privilege Log


Edit mode allows you to hide/unhide rows in the privilege log and edit the custom columns' values. The EDIT button only displays privilege logs with the status of Open.  To navigate to this button, click a LOG NAME on the Privilege Log List page. When you click the EDIT button, the privilege log you selected shows the eye icon for each unhidden row, and field values for custom columns become editable.


You need the Create and manage Privilege Logs permission. See the Permissions article for complete details. 

Log edit interactions

Once you click the EDIT button on a privilege log, these interactions become available: Hide and unhide rows with the eye icon, edit field values in a custom column, and CANCEL and SAVE. You cannot edit any non-custom fields' values, such as single-choice or multi-choice Relativity fields. To edit Relativity fields, navigate to the document itself and edit the fields in the document’s layout. In edit mode, the COLUMNS and ACTIONS  buttons are unavailable. However, you can still filter, resize, and temporarily sort columns.

Hide, unhide rows

Click the eye icon at the beginning of a row to hide or unhide a row. Hidden rows are grayed out, and row ID values adjust to skip hidden rows. A hidden row represents a document removed from the privilege log when the log is finalized. While the log is open, you can change your mind and unhide a row, ensuring that the document remains part of the log. However, once the log is finalized, the documents associated with hidden rows are officially removed from the log and cannot be retrieved.

Modify column values

Use EDIT to modify Text Column and Combined Column values directly in the privilege log. Values in these columns are surrounded by rectangle enclosures, indicating that they can be edited. The fields created using Create Text Column are blank by default. Click into the cell boxes to type in a value or to edit the existing values. There is a maximum of 255 characters. See the Create Text Column article for more information. The fields created using Create Combined Column have default values derived from combination logic determined when the field was created. To edit the original values populated by the combination logic, click into the cell box and edit the existing value. See the Create Combined Column article for complete details. When the original value has been manually changed, a red arrow appears in edit mode to indicate this with alternate text, Restore original value. Click this icon to restore the original value and discard updates made by manual edits. When you navigate to a new page or adjust the page display settings while in edit mode, you will be asked if you want to save changes to the page (such as hiding/unhiding rows or edits to values in custom fields) before proceeding. Click YES to save the changes to the page and proceed. You will remain in edit mode and can continue to make edits. Click No to discard changes to the page and proceed. You will remain in edit mode and can continue to make edits.


Click to discard any changes made on this page and exit edit mode. A warning displays asking whether to discard unsaved changes. Click Yes or No to determine if the cancel action should be taken.


Save changes made on this page and exit edit mode.

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