Group and Sort (Columns)


Group and Sort allow you to adjust a specific privilege log's grouping and sorting column settings. After you select a LOG NAME from the COLUMNS button menu, select Group and Sort; the Column Grouping and Sorting modal window displays. The default grouping and sorting for a privilege log is:

  • GROUP BY: Family Identifier (e.g., Beg Attach)
  • SORY BY (1): Family Identifier (e.g., Beg Attach )- Ascending
  • SORT BY (2): Document Identifier (e.g., Control Number) - Ascending

You can adjust the default setup in the Column Grouping and Sorting modal window. Grouping is optional, but a log must be sorted by at least one field. For open logs, all Relativity fields and privilege log custom columns are available to select for grouping and sorting, even if these fields/columns are not already selected for display in the privilege log. There are two columns in an open privilege log, Row ID and Priv Doc Icon, that cannot be selected for grouping or sorting. Click Restore Defaults to restore the default grouping and sorting setup. Any grouping and sorting changes update the open privilege log for all users. Click ADD COLUMN to select a new field from the dropdown list and select Ascending or Descending order.


You need the Create and manage Privilege Logs permission.

Group by fields

Documents that are grouped together appear side by side in the log. Groups are separated in the log, with a bold line appearing above and below the grouped documents. For example, when the field, REVBEGATTACH, groups a privilege log, all documents that are part of the same family appear side by side, surrounded by bold horizontal lines.

A log can be grouped by only one field at a time. The Group By field must match the first Sort By field to ensure that documents in the same group display side-by-side. When you select a new Group By field, the first Sort By value automatically changes to match the grouping field, and the field that was previously the first sort-by row becomes the second sort-by row. Click the red x next to the Group By field to remove grouping. The first sort-by row, which contains the same field as the Group By, is automatically removed as well.

Sort by fields

A log can be sorted by multiple fields, creating multiple levels of sorting. To add a sorting level, click the ADD COLUMN button. To remove a sorting level, click the red x next to the sort field you want to remove. If the log is grouped, the first-level sort field can only be removed if the grouping field is also removed. A log must be sorted by at least one field, and if only one sorting field remains, it cannot be removed.

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