Name Normalization and Entity Analysis Report


Name Normalization and Entity Analysis finds every version of a name using the email headers. For example, "Jane Smith" could be "Smith, J.," "Smith," or a nickname such as "Janey" and creates a normalized "person" record in Relativity objects associated with documents, including normalized To, From, CC, BCC, Recipients, Email Participants, and Thread Participants. (Thread Participants require email threading). NOTE: Name Normalization closely with the Entity Profiles > People and Organizations tabs. 

Name Normalization and Entity Analysis (NN) Summary card

The email threading summary shows the "headline" for the number of ENTITIES IDENTIFIED and other information for this algorithm's set run.

ENTITIES IDENTIFIED Number of unique entities (people and organizations) identified in this set's run
People Profiles Number of people profiles identified during this run
Organization Profiles Number of organization profiles identified during this run
NAME NORMALIZATION FIELDS CREATED The number of Name Normalization fields created/updated with this set's run

Name Normalization and Entity Analysis details

Use the carousel controls to advance to the Name Normalization and Entity Analysis Details report.


Analyzed—number of Emails, Attachments, and Loose Files analyzed in this set

Ignored/Exceptions—number of documents ignored or that generated an exception in this set

Total Documents—total documents in the set


Lists the top ten people profiles with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the display name of the person, the Function, and the number of documents associated with this profile in this set. Click the link to view the documents associated with each person. Click on a name box to show a person’s People Profile Summary that displays general information about the person, the name and email variants identified in email headers for this person, and mentions identified outside of email headers. See the People Profile Summary Cards article for details.


Lists the name normalized field outputs generated and the number of documents updated for each field during this set’s run. Click the number of documents to see this grouping. See the Name Normalization and Entity Analysis Fields article for details.


The results of domain auto-classification rules executed during this set’s run. Lists the domains that were auto-classified, the Function that was auto-assigned to each domain, and the Organization Type associated with each domain. Domain auto-classification rules are configured in the Name Normalization and Entity Analysis algorithm settings. If no domain auto-classification rules are configured, this chart will not be in the report.


Lists the top ten organizations with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the name of the organization, the Type, the number of people associated with this organization in this set, and the number of documents associated with this organization in this set. Click the link to view the documents associated with each organization. Click on the name box to show an organization’s Organization Profile Summary Card that displays general information about the organization, the name and email variants identified in email headers for this organization, and the top twenty communicators, their Name, Function and email communication count. See the Organization Profile Summary Cards article for details.


Lists organizations by Type, the number of organizations found for each type, and the number of people associated with each type. Click the document link to navigate to this document grouping.


Lists the top ten law firm organizations with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the organization's name, the number of people associated with this organization in this set, and the number of documents associated with this organization in this set. Click the document link to navigate to this document grouping. Click on the name in the box to see a summary card.


Lists the top ten government organizations with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the organization's name, the number of people associated with this organization in this set, and the number of documents associated with this organization in this set. Click the document link to navigate to this document grouping. Click on the name in the box to see a summary card.


Lists the top ten educational organizations with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the organization's name, the number of people associated with this organization in this set, and the number of documents associated with this organization in this set. Click the document link to navigate to this document grouping. Click on the name in the box to see a summary card.


Lists the top ten personal organizations (i.e., personal email accounts such as Gmail) with the most documents identified in this set. Includes the organization's name, the number of people associated with this organization in this set, and the number of documents associated with this organization in this set. Click the document link to navigate to this document grouping. Click on the name in the box to see a summary card.

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