Privilege Logs


Privilege logs describe reasons for withholding items from production in a lawsuit under a claim of attorney-client privilege or work-product protection. The Privilege Log Module simplifies and expedites the privilege logging process using customizable privilege reasons assigned to each potentially-privileged document. The Privilege Log tab allows you to select a saved search that uses Relativity fields, MA-created content, and your work product to generate Privilege Logs. MA's Privilege Log tools allow you to combine fields, remove documents, manage to format, memorialize log content, and more. Single documents can exist in multiple privilege logs. The columns/fields displayed in each log are customizable, and custom columns/fields can be created inside the privilege log to combine field information, adjust field formatting, add notes, and perform other common log actions without relying on Excel formulas or separate scripts. See the COLUMNS Button article for details. 

Once you create a privilege log, you can save it as a template for quick build-outs. You can recall the template later and use it with the same or a new set of documents. When a Privilege Log is finalized, an object is created in Relativity to preserve all the log fields and information. This object will also preserve custom columns and privilege log IDs, which can then be accessed throughout Relativity. Privilege Logs can be easily exported to Excel at any time. Although Privilege Logs are enhanced by using MA’s Privileges Analytics algorithm, logs can be created, used, and finalized in this tab without running Privilege Analytics or any other MA algorithm. There is no specific overlay or billing associated with MA Privilege Logs, and they can be freely created and used at any time.


There are two permission levels of access to privilege logs: Access to Privilege Logs and Create and manage Privilege Logs. See the Permissions article for complete details.

MA Privilege Logs list

Click on the Privilege Log tab to create and view MA privilege logs. If no logs have been created, this page is empty. If logs have been created for this workspace, they display in a list on this page.

At the top of the Log List page are two buttons:

  • EDIT TEMPLATES—click to display a modal window that allows you to see all the privilege log templates for the workspace, edit these templates, and delete them.
  • CREATE NEW LOG—click to display a modal window with inputs for a Saved Search, Log Name, and Select Log Template (optional).

Privilege Log columns

Columns may be resized, sorted, and filtered on the Privilege Log list page. Changes you make apply only to you and are not “sticky,” that is, column settings do not remain if you leave this session and return. If a full value in a column cannot be displayed due to the text's size, hover over it to view it.


The log name is given when this privilege log was created. Click on the Log Name to navigate to this privilege log. Use the Update Log Settings row menu option to change the name of this log.


The abbreviation for this log was entered when the log was created. This determines the field naming for the object created when the log is finalized. Once the log is finalized, the abbreviation cannot be updated.


The Relativity Saved Search that this log is based on, i.e., the documents that you have determined to be privileged and their families. Once the log is finalized, the Saved Search cannot be adjusted.


The number of documents in the Saved Search


The date this privilege log was created


The name of the person who created this log


The date this log was finalized. (Only displays if finalized.)


The name of the person who finalized this log. (Only displays if finalized.)


The starting number for the Privilege Doc IDs in this privilege log. (Only displays if finalized.)


The ending number for the Privilege Doc IDs in this privilege log. (Only displays if finalized.)


  • Open—an open log can be fully edited at any time. Column selection, grouping, and sorting can be adjusted; new custom columns can be created and edited, document rows can be hidden, log settings can be updated, etc. An open log automatically reflects any updates made to the saved search in Relativity, and any updates made to fields in Relativity are used as columns in the log.

  • Finalized—a finalized log cannot be edited (only the log name can be updated). Hidden rows are removed from the log when it is finalized. Any updates to the saved search or fields in Relativity are not reflected in a finalized log.

  • In Revision—this log was finalized and is now in the process of being revised. A limited number of updates can be made in revision mode. Column selection, grouping, and sorting can be adjusted. Custom column values can be edited. Document rows can be hidden. Once the revisions are complete, the log can be re-finalized.

Three-dot row menu

The three-dot menu at the end of each row displays menu options. See the Privilege Log Row and ACTIONS Button Options article.

Row menu options

Row menu options change depending on the STATUS of the log. For example, a “Finalized” log STATUS row menu shows the Revise Log option, while “Open” logs have Finalize Log as the menu option. The options for STATUS, “In Revision,” include Discard All Revisions and Finalize All Revisions. See the Privilege Log Action Menus article for details about Open, In Revision, and Finalized log menus.

Navigate to Priv Logs

Click the LOG NAME to edit and customize a privilege log.

Open Privilege Log

In an open privilege log, you can perform many actions and updates. For example, you can refresh the log, expand multi-value fields, enable summary cards, and edit the log. You can also create, rename, edit, recalculate, and delete custom columns.


Click the refresh icon at the top of an open log to incorporate any updates that may have occurred in Relativity outside of the privilege log, including updates to the saved search that may update the documents included in the privilege log and updates to Relativity fields that may update the values displayed in the privilege log columns. You can also refresh an open privilege log and incorporate updates by simply closing and reopening the log.

Expand multi-Value fields toggle

The toggle Expand Multi-Value Fields expands and collapses the values in Multi-Choice and Multi-Object Fields. By default, this toggle is On, and the values in these fields are each displayed on a separate line, and each row is expanded to display all values. 

When this toggle is Off, the values in these fields are displayed on a single line separated by semi-colon and space. NOTE: This toggle setting is sticky once applied and remains when a Priv Log is closed and reopened. The setting only applies to this user and does not change other users' views.

Enable Summary Cards toggle

The toggle Enable Summary Cards determines how names appear in the MA Name Normalization fields. By default, the toggle is On and each name in the field is a color-coded pill. If the toggle is Off, each name is an active link. Click on the name link to open the profile page in a new tab. This toggle setting is sticky once it applies and remains when a Priv Log is closed and reopened. The setting only applies to that user and does not change the view for other users.

People Profile Summary Cards

Click any colored bubble to see the People Profile Summary card showing personal information and the email Headers and Mentions.

COLUMNS button

If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, the column selection, grouping, and sorting in a privilege log can be adjusted in open logs using the COLUMNS button. 

Gear icon for custom columns

If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, you can update custom columns in an open privilege log by clicking the gear icon to the custom column name's right. The gear menus differ depending on if the custom column is a text column or a combined column.

Gear icon menus

If the custom column is a Text Column, the menu shows these options:

  • Rename—Click to rename this text column.
  • Delete— Click to delete this text column. A warning message displays, “Are you sure you want to delete this custom column? This will permanently delete and remove the column from all open privilege logs.” Choose Yes or No.

If the custom column is a Combined Column, the three menu options that display are:

  • Edit—allows you to edit the name or underlying logic of this column. See the Create Combined Column article for details.
  • Recalculate—refreshes the values in this column.
  • Delete—Click to delete this combined column. A warning message displays, “Are you sure you want to delete this custom column? This will permanently delete and remove the column from all open privilege logs.” Choose Yes or No.

ACTIONS button

If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, the ACTIONS button is available. The row menus on the Privilege Log List page and the Actions button on the log page have the same options. See the Privilege Log ACTION Menus article for details.

EDIT button

If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, the Edit button is available. Click Edit to hide/unhide rows or to modify the values in custom columns. 

Finalized Privilege Logs

When a privilege log is finalized, it can be viewed and exported to Excel but can no longer be updated. Actions such as refreshing the log, expanding multi-value fields, enabling summary cards, editing the log, and creating and updating custom columns are no longer available.

If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, a limited number of additional options are available by clicking the Actions button, such as updating the log name, saving it as a template, or deleting the log. 

Privilege Logs in revision

Once a privilege log is finalized, it can be revised to allow for some, but not all, updates. If you have permission to Create and manage Privilege Logs, you can hide/unhide rows, modify the values in custom columns, and update column selection, grouping, and sorting. You can also export the log, update the log name, save it as a template, or delete the log. However, actions such as refreshing the log, expanding multi-value fields, enabling summary cards, and creating, editing, recalculating, or deleting custom columns are no longer available. 

Thread network field for breaks in privilege

MA’s powerful Thread Network field shows all the parties anywhere in the thread, not just in the document that has been logged, helpful for identifying documents in the hands of a third party that potentially breaks privilege. If you use color-coding for people who make privilege and people who break privilege, these people are easy to spot at a glance.

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