Finalize Log


Use this article to learn how to finalize a log and learn what happens when a log is finalized. When you finalize a log, the log is frozen, and a snapshot of the privilege log is saved. A finalized log can no longer be edited or updated. In addition to freezing the log, finalization creates and assigns Privilege Document IDs to each document in the log and removes documents associated with hidden rows from the log. Finalizing a log also creates an object for the log that includes corresponding fields and ID information. For custom columns, this means they can now be accessed as Relativity fields outside of the log. Custom column gear icon menu options are no longer available when a log is finalized, and ACTIONS menu options are limited. Options to enable summary cards and expand multi-value fields are no longer unavailable. The Refresh icon is no longer available, and the finalized log cannot be refreshed or updated. Updates to the saved search are not reflected or incorporated into a finalized privilege log. Updates to Relativity field values are not reflected or incorporated into the finalized privilege log columns. And although the Columns button is no longer available in a finalized log, the columns can still be temporarily filtered, sorted, and resized. The Columns button and menu options are no longer available. And finally, the EDIT button and edit actions are no longer available.

You need the Create and manage Privilege Logs permission. See the Permissions article for complete details.

How to finalize a log

To finalize a log, click the Finalize Log menu option in an open log. This menu option only appears in open logs and is found in the row menu on a privilege log row on the Privilege Log List page or the ACTIONS button menu on the privilege log page. Once a privilege log is finalized, the Finalize Log menu option changes to Revise Log. When you select Finalize Log, you receive a confirmation message. When you select Yes to the confirmation message, the Assign Privilege Doc IDs modal window opens and requires you to select the options you want for Privilege Doc IDs.

Assign Privilege Doc IDs

Privilege Doc IDs are unique; MA-generated IDs are provided for each document in a privilege log, making it easy to cross-reference a document if there is a privilege challenge. There are two choices when assigning Privilege Doc IDs: User Defined and Control Number

User defined

User defined requires a prefix and a starting number to be the first Priv Doc ID in the privilege log. After that, MA creates a sequential, unique Priv Doc ID for additional documents (i.e., rows) in the privilege log.

Control number

If Control Number is selected from the dropdown menu, the document’s control number becomes the Priv Doc ID for documents in the privilege log.

Actions Menu in the finalized log

Once Privilege Doc IDs are created and the FINALIZE button is clicked, the Finalized Log displays, and the ACTION menu is updated. For Update Log Setting, only the Privilege Log Name is editable. (Saved Search, Log Abbreviation, and Template are visible but not editable.) Finalize Log changes to Revise Log.

Privilege Log object

When you finalize a log, an object is created in Relativity that preserves a snapshot of all the information in the finalized log. Each column in the finalized log is saved as a new field in Relativity associated with the privilege log object, including privilege doc IDs and custom columns that are unavailable outside the log before it is finalized. MA privilege log objects begin with MA Priv Log_ followed by the Privilege Log Abbreviation. For example, a privilege log has the abbreviation “PL001,” and after finalization, the object fields appear in Relativity as:
  • MA Priv Log_PL001::Control Number
  • MA Priv Log_PL001::Priv Doc ID
  • MA Priv Log_PL001::MA PotPriv AutoReason
  • MA Priv Log_PL001::Privilege Description
  • MA Priv Log_PL001::Notes
Rows hidden and removed from the log after finalization can still be identified by searching for the value “Removed” in the MA Priv Log_XXXX::Priv Doc ID field (where XXXX represents the privilege log abbreviation).

MA Priv Log Associations field

MA Priv Log Associations is a multi-choice field that lists all the finalized privilege logs a document is a part of. Use this field to see which privilege log a document belongs to. This field only lists finalized logs; open logs will not be displayed.

Revising and re-opening Finalized Logs

Once a log has been finalized, it can be revised to allow for a limited set of updates while preserving the previously finalized log's snapshot. Once these updates are complete, you can re-finalize the log. See the Revise Log article for details. Although finalized logs can be revised, they cannot be fully re-opened. If the actions available in revise mode are too limited and you need to fully re-open the log, you can save the finalized log as a new template or create a new log with this new template and use the same saved search as the finalized log. This new log represents the finalized log in a re-opened state.

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