Sets Overview

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The Sets page lists analytics sets for the workspace grouped by algorithm types. The Analytics Sets page displays overlay statistics, which includes overlaid document count and volume.

Creating a New Analytics Set

Click the CREATE NEW SET button to create and run your first analytics set. This adds a new set to the list, creates reports, and adds new Lighthouse Analytics fields in Relativity (if overlay is turned on, which it is by default). Once you create and run a new set, you are returned to the Analytics Sets page, where you can view the new set in the list. If the Email Threading and Name Normalization and Entity Analysis algorithms are run, documents are overlaid, and email threads and conversations become viewable in the ET Thread Viewer. See the Create New Set article and the Lighthouse Analytics Fields, Lighthouse Analytics Reports, and Thread Viewer articles for set results information.

Default Columns

Column Name Description

Filled Circle: Represents a full set, meaning the set was run over the entire saved search.

Half-Filled Circle: Indicates an incremental set that ran over only documents added after the most recent run.

Expand to see the algorithm name(s) and icon(s) which have been run.
SET NAME The name given to this set when it was created. All sets for a workspace are visible to all users with access to the Lighthouse Analytics tab.

The Analytics Sets page, reports, and fields use identification numbers assigned after running a set. IDs are unique within the Relativity workspace.

See Sub-Algorithm Codes below.

ANALYSIS COMPLETE Date/Time this set or algorithm finished running.
ANALYSIS STATUS The status of this analysis: Completed, Running, Waiting for Queue, Queued, Waiting for Split/Merge, Exception, Outdated Results
OVERLAY STATUS Expand the set name to see the Overlay Status for the algorithm subsets. Options include: Not Overlaid, Pending, Completed, Running, Waiting for Queue, Queued, Exception.
DOCUMENTS ANALYZED The number of all documents analyzed in the Lighthouse Analytics set or algorithm.
SIZE (GB) The size of all analyzed documents for this set is measured in gigabytes.
DOCUMENTS OVERLAID The number of documents that had results overlaid into Relativity, measured in gigabytes.
SIZE (GB) The size of all overlaid documents for this set, measured in gigabytes.

Opens the details panel for additional information and actions for the set.

See the More menu section below.

Optional Columns

These columns are off by default but can be turned on using the Columns button on top of the grid:

Column Name Description
DOCUMENT SET The name of the document set (for example, the saved search selected from the workspace).
CREATED BY Last name, first name of the person who created this set.
MODIFIED BY Last name, first name of the person who modified this set.
SET SUBMITTED DATE Date/Time this set was submitted.
ANALYSIS START DATE Date/Time this set or algorithm started running.

Sub-Algorithm Codes

When you expand the set name to view the algorithms that were run as part of the set, you will see the ID format for sub-algorithms as <SUB-ALGORITHM CODE> <Set ID> . The following sub-algorithm codes are used:

The following sub-algorithm codes are used:

  • ET: Email Threading
  • NN: Name Normalization and Entity Analysis
  • TD: Text Duplicate
  • ND: Near Duplicate
  • AL: Active Learning


The MORE menu includes the following additional details and actions for a set, which you can access by hovering over the last column of a set.

Basic Set Information Displays basic information that is also available in the the Analytics Sets table.
ALGORITHMS Displays the Run Type and Number of algorithms used in this set.
ANALYSIS Displays the status of the set analysis.
OVERLAY Displays information on overlay status and settings.
VIEW SETTINGS Button Opens the settings for the matter.
RUN SET Menu Runs a full or incremental build.

Computing Size and Volume

  • Size displays the overlaid or analyzed volume and count for the set.
  • Ignored/exception class documents are NOT counted towards the overlaid total volume.
  • Each document is counted only once for each algorithm category, i.e., Email Threading plus Name Normalization and Entity Analysis only counts once for a document.
  • Each document is counted once, even if multiple sets of the same category are run; that is, two sets with threading only count once for a document.
  • Summaries for each category are also single-instanced.
  • The roll-up summary for total volume across all groups and algorithms is single-instanced.
  • If documents are deleted from the workspace, they are NOT removed from overlaid counts/volumes.
  • Incremental runs and full re-runs add only new documents to the total. However, they display aggregate overlaid totals/volumes.
  • Sets with partial overlays (i.e., one algorithm overlaid and others not) should reflect only overlaid algorithm(s).