Revise Log


Revise Log changes the status of a log from Finalized to In Revision. Revising a log allows for a limited set of updates while preserving the previously finalized log's snapshot. Once these updates are complete, you can re-finalize the log. In revise mode, you can hide rows to remove these documents from the log when it is re-finalized, edit values in custom columns, update column selections, grouping, log name, Priv Doc Ids, and sorting. However, these updates are limited to columns that were already part of the selection, grouping, and sorting before the log was finalized, and temporarily filter, sort, and resize the columns in the log. In revise mode, the custom column gear icon menu options remain unavailable, and the ACTIONS menu options remain limited. the Refresh icon remains unavailable as updates to the saved search are not reflected or incorporated into the log, updates to Relativity field values are not reflected or incorporated into the privilege log columns, and options to enable summary cards and expand multi-value fields remain unavailable. And although the Edit button remains unavailable, editing actions such as hiding rows and editing values in custom columns are available.


You need the Create and manage Privilege Logs permission. See the Permissions article for complete details.

Revise Log

To revise a log, click the Revise Log menu option in a finalized log. This menu option only appears in finalized logs and is found in the three-dot row menu on a privilege log row on the Privilege Log List page or in the ACTIONS button menu on the privilege log page. When the Finalized Log changes to revise mode, five buttons display across the top: Columns, Actions, End Revisions, Cancel and Save. In addition to these five buttons, the eye icon displays next to each row, allowing you to hide/unhide documents, and field values for custom columns become editable.

Hide or Show Rows

Click the eye icon to hide or show rows. Hidden rows are grayed out, and the eye icon has a slash across it. If a row is hidden, it is not included in the finalized log. In revise mode, you can update custom fields and filter and sort columns. When a row is hidden by clicking on the eye icon, row ID numbers automatically adjust.

COLUMNS button

In Revise Log mode, the options for the COLUMNS button are Select, Group and Sort, Create text Column and Create Combined Column.

  • Select—adjusts which columns are displayed in this privilege log and the order in which they are displayed. Available columns are limited to those selected for display, grouping, and/or sorting before this log was finalized.

  • Group and Sort—adjust the grouping and sorting for this privileged log. Available columns are limited to those selected for display, grouping, and/or sorting  before this log was finalized.

ACTIONS button

In Revise Log mode, the ACTIONS button and the three-dot menu on the Privilege Log page have these options:

  • Export to XLS—Click to download this privilege log into an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Save as Template—Select this option to open a modal window, give this template a name and then save it for future use.

  • Update Log Settings—Only the Privilege Log Name can be edited. Saved Search, Log Abbreviation, and Template are visible but not editable.

  • Delete Log—Click to delete this log. You receive a warning message asking if you are sure you want to delete this log.


Use the END REVISION button to exit revise mode and return the log to a finalized status. The End Revision button has two options: Finalize All Revisions and Discard All Revisions.

Finalize All Revisions

Finalize All Revisions finalizes all updates that occurred during revise mode across all pages, including:

  • Documents associated with hidden rows are officially removed from the re-finalized log and cannot be retrieved.

  • Edits to custom columns values

  • Updates to column selection, grouping, and sorting

When you click Finalize All Revisions, a modal window appears with three options:

  • Cancel Finalization—cancel this action and remain in revise mode. The log Status remains “In Revision.”

  • Finalize Now—finalize all updates without updating Priv Doc IDs. Exit revise mode, and the log status changes from “In Revision” back to “Finalized.”

  • Update Priv Doc IDs—finalize all updates and update Priv Doc IDs. Exit revise mode, and the log status changes from “In Revision” back to “Finalized.”

Update Priv Docs IDs

If you select Update Priv Doc IDs, a modal window appears with Priv Doc ID options. If User Defined was previously selected, you can update the prefix and/or starting number or change the option to Control Number. If Control Number was previously selected, you can change the option to User Defined and enter a prefix and starting number. Click CANCEL to cancel this action; this log remains in revise mode. Click FINALIZE to update Priv Doc IDs, finalize all revisions, exit revise mode, and this log is re-finalized.

Hiding rows and updating Priv Doc IDs

There is an interaction between hiding rows in revise mode and updating Priv Doc IDs with Finalize All Revisions. If you do not update Priv Doc IDs when finalizing all revisions, the re-finalized log has gaps in the Priv Doc ID sequencing where hidden rows were removed from the log. If you update Priv Doc IDs when finalized all revisions, the Priv Doc ID sequencing is adjusted to account for hidden rows removed from the log. 

Discard All Revisions

The option, Discard All Revisions, discards all updates that occurred during revise mode across all pages. Hidden rows are unhidden, and these documents remain visible in the re-finalized log. Edits to custom column values are discarded. Updates to column selection, grouping, and sorting are discarded. When you select Discard All Revisions, a message asks you if you want to return the log to the finalized state. If you answer No, this action is canceled, and this log remains in revise mode. If you answer Yes, you discard all revisions, exit revise mode, and this log is re-finalized.


The CANCEL button cancels any revisions made to this page, exits the log, and returns to the Privilege Log List page. The privilege log remains in revise mode. To exit revise mode and re-finalize the log, click back into the privilege log and select End Revision.


The SAVE button saves any revisions made to this page, exits the log, and returns to the Privilege Log List page. The privilege log remains in revise mode. To exit revise mode and re-finalize the log, click back into the privilege log and select End Revision.

Page navigation in EDIT mode

When you navigate to a new page or adjust the page display settings while in revise mode, you are asked if you want to save changes to the page, such as hiding/unhiding rows or edits to values in custom fields, before proceeding. Click Yes to save the changes to the page and proceed. You will remain in revise mode and can continue to make edits. Click No to discard changes to the page and proceed. You will remain in revise mode and can continue to make edits.

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