Privilege Log Row and ACTIONS Button Menus


On the MA Privilege Logs page, each row has a three-dot menu that changes depending on the STATUS of the log. This same menu is accessed from the ACTIONS button on a specific privilege log's page.


If you do not have the Create and manage Privilege Logs permission, the ACTIONS button does not display, and only the Export to XLS shows in the menu. 

Menu options by STATUS

Whether you access the menu from the Privilege Log List page row menu or from the Action Menu button on a privilege log page, the list of menu options depends on whether the log’s status is Open, Finalized, or In Revision. In the case where an exception occurs during log finalization or revision, you cannot access the log, but action options are still available from the three-dot menu on the Privilege Log List page. Menu options according to the Status column value on the Privilege Log List page are described below. 


Details for menu options for a log with the STATUS of Open are described below.

Export to XLS

Export to XLS downloads a privilege log as an Excel™ file with bolder lines that indicate groupings. When a privilege log is exported to Excel, the Expand multi-field option is always collapsed in the downloaded Excel file, even if this option was set to On in the privilege log. Similarly, the Enable summary cards option is always Off, even if this option was set to On. The Excel file does not have active links for normalized names or hidden rows, and filters or temporary sorting is not included.

Save as Template

This item opens the Save as Template modal window to save this privilege log’s setup (i.e., column and toggle selection, grouping, sorting, etc.) for use as a new privilege log template. Enter a unique template name and click Save. Access saved templates in the Select Log Template dropdown list when you create a new log or update log settings. 

Update Log Settings

If this privilege log is open, this option allows updating the Privilege Log Name, Saved Search, Privilege Log Abbreviation, or Template. If the status of the log is Finalized or In Revision, only the Privilege Log Name can be edited. The Saved Search, Log Abbreviation, and Template fields are visible but cannot be edited.

Delete Log

This option permanently deletes a log. The error message, “Are you sure you want to permanently delete this Privilege Log?” displays, allowing you to reconsider this action.

Finalize Log

A separate page has been created to explain this complex operation. See the Finalize Log article for details.

Finalized STATUS

Once the status of a log is Finalized, the Finalize Log menu option changes to Revise Log. The other menu options are the same as for Open status.

Revise Log

Revise Log opens a finalized log for a limited set of actions. Revise Log cannot return the log to a state where it dynamically updates documents that are added after finalization. See the Revise Log article for complete details.

In Revision STATUS

When a log status is In Revision, two new options, Finalize All Revisions and Discard All Revisions, display. See below for descriptions of these menu options. See the Open STATUS options above for details about the remaining items, Export to XLS, Save as Template, Update Log Settings, and Delete Log.

Finalize All Revisions

When Finalize All Revisions is selected, an informational modal window displays asking if you want to Cancel the Finalization, Finalize Now or Update Priv Doc IDs.If you select Cancel Finalization, the log remains in the In Revision status. If you select, Finalize Now, the log is finalized without any updates to Priv Docs IDs. All updates made to the log while in the “In Revision” state are saved and become part of the finalized log. If you select Update Prov Doc IDs, the following modal window displays, allowing you to update the Priv Doc IDs. See the Finalize Log article for complete information about these fields. Once Priv Doc Ids are updated and the log is finalized, all updates made to the log in the In Revision state are saved and become part of the finalized log.

Discard All Revisions

Discard All Revisions discards all updates made to the log while it was in the In Revision state. The log is finalized, but it reverts to the finalized state it was in before it was revised. A warning message displays, asking if you want to continue.

Finalization Exception STATUS

When the log has a status of  Finalization Exception, two options display: Re-Queue and Cancel Finalization. Re-Queue resubmits this log to be finalized. Cancel Finalization cancels all finalization actions and returns the log to Open Status.

Revision Exception STATUS

Revision Exception status has one option, Re-Queue, which resubmits this log to be finalized.

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