People List Page


The People List page displays all People Profiles within the workspace. These profiles are primarily created by the Name Normalization and Entity Analysis (NN&EA) algorithm, which processes document data to identify unique names, email addresses, and their variations. The People List includes profile outputs from all NN&EA sets and any manually created People Profiles.


  • View Entity Profiles: Required to view the People List and interact with profiles. Without this permission, the Entity Profiles tab is hidden, and users cannot access the People List.
  • Edit Entity Profiles: Allows users to edit existing People Profiles. This permission is necessary to use the Edit Selected Profiles and Edit All Profiles options in the ACTIONS menu.
  • Bulk Edit Entity Profiles: Provides access to the Bulk Update options in the ACTIONS menu, allowing users to update multiple profiles simultaneously.
  • Create Entity Profiles: Controls access to the Create New (People Profile) option under the ACTIONS button. Users with this permission can manually create new profiles. This permission should be included since users might need to add new profiles directly from the People List page.
  • Export Entity Report: Grants the ability to export the People List to an Excel file using the EXPORT LIST button.

People List Overview

  • Algorithm Process: During a Name Normalization and Entity Analysis run, the algorithm:
    • Identifies unique names and email addresses in email headers.
    • Parses out first, middle, and last names.
    • Pairs names with email addresses.
    • Assigns name variations and email addresses to a single profile.
  • Manual Creation: People Profiles can also be manually created, and these are displayed alongside those generated by the algorithm.

Filtering the People List

  • Column Filters: Use the filter options above each column to narrow down the list.
  • Set Filter: The Set drop-down menu above the People tab allows filtering by specific sets. The "All" option, which includes information from all overlaid documents across all sets, is selected by default and recommended for most use cases.

Default People List Columns

Below is a list of the default columns displayed on the People List page, along with their definitions:

Column Name Description
Display Name Includes a person’s First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Professional Suffix. Click the display name link to navigate to the person’s profile page.
Function Describes the role a person plays, especially concerning privilege review. Each profile can only have one function, which can be manually or automatically set.
Key Displays a star icon if the person is flagged as key. This is useful for filtering. The field is "No" by default and must be manually set to "Yes."
Custodian Indicates if the person is a named custodian. By default, this field is "No" and must be manually set to "Yes."
Total Documents Displays the total number of documents where this person appears in email headers or as a mention. Automatically updated during NN&EA runs.
Email Domains Shows the email domains associated with this person.

Additional Columns (Available via Column Selection)

Here are additional columns that can be made visible using the COLUMN SELECTION button:

Column Name Description
First Name The first name of the person.
Middle Name The middle name of the person.
Last Name The last name of the person.
NameID Used for looking up a name in the database.
Communications The total number of documents where this person appears in the email metadata or at least one header.
Headers – Email Addresses Email addresses for this person found in the headers of emails.
Headers – Names Names used in email headers associated with the person.
Name Variant Count Lists the number of unique name variants found in a single profile.
Potential Auto-Mailer Identifies profiles that are potential "auto-mailers" (e.g., system-generated emails).*
Professional Suffix Optional professional suffix for a person, e.g., "Esquire."**
Primary Email The email that the person most frequently uses.**
Primary Organization The primary organization this person belongs to.**
Department The department the person is associated with.**
Phone Number The phone number for this person.**
Title The person’s title.**
Address The person’s address.**
City The city where the person is located.**
Country The country where the person is located.**
State The state where the person is located.**
Zip Code The zip code for the person’s address.**

*Potential Auto-Mailer: This column identifies profiles that are potential "auto-mailers." An auto-mailer is an email address that automatically sends out emails on behalf of someone else. The Name Normalization and Entity Analysis process isolates these email addresses into separate profiles to prevent them from complicating the results. For example, "" might send out automated emails on behalf of different individuals, which could lead to confusion if those emails were associated with the wrong person. By separating these auto-mailer addresses into their profiles, the system ensures more accurate results and prevents mixing up automated system emails with personal communications.

**Some fields, such as Zip Code, Phone Number, and Department, are never populated automatically by the system. These fields must be manually filled out if you want that information included in the People Profiles.

Custom Fields

In addition to the standard fields listed above, any custom fields created for this workspace can be displayed in the Column Selection modal window. These fields are user-defined and can be tailored to specific needs within the workspace.

Sorting and Resizing Columns

  • Sort Columns: Click on column names to sort profiles. Click once for ascending order and again for descending order. The default sort order is by Total Documents in descending order.
  • Resize Columns: Hover over a column header to display the borderline, then drag to resize. Double-click in the blue area to size to fit. Column size changes are user-specific and persist until manually updated.

Using Column Selection

  • Click the COLUMN button on the People List page to open a modal window that displays the Available and Selected columns.
  • Use the blue arrows to move Available Columns to the Selected Columns section. Red x's move the selected columns back to the Available Columns section.
  • Type a column name in the filter at the top to find it quickly.
  • Click SAVE to update the columns displayed in the People List. Changes are user-specific and persist until further updated.

Reordering Columns

  • From the Column Selection window, check the boxes next to the column names you wish to reorder in the Selected Columns section.
  • Drag and drop the column names in the order you desire using the "hamburger" icons.

Changing the column order only updates the column display for that particular user. Therefore, changes to the default column order will remain in place for that user until further updated.

Export List Button

Click the EXPORT LIST button to download the entire or filtered list of profiles to an Excel file. The columns displayed on the People List page are those exported.

Actions Button

The ACTIONS button on the People List page allows you to:

  • Edit Selected Profiles: Edit information for multiple profiles simultaneously.
  • Edit All Profiles: Edit all profiles at once.
  • Create a New Profile: Manually create a new profile.

For more details, see the People List: Action Menu article.

People Profile Details

Click on the display name link to navigate to the person’s profile page, where you can:

  • View additional details about the person, including header and mention information.
  • Edit the person’s profile information.
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