Case-Level Features

What are Case-Level Features?

In Lighthouse Analytics, Case-Level Features control access to premium functionalities within a workspace. These features are turned off by default to prevent unanticipated costs. Enabling these features allows users to leverage AI Studio (Generative AI) and AI TAR (Active Learning) within their review workflows.

Activation of Case-Level Features:

To activate Case-Level Features within your workspace, you need to be a workspace administrator.

  1. Navigate to the settings menu by clicking on the cog icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select "Case-Level Features" to access the list of available premium functionalities.
  3. Toggle the desired features on to enable them for your workspace.

Permissions and Access Control:

User permissions and Case-Level Feature Flags are interrelated, impacting the visibility and functionality available to users within Lighthouse Analytics. The following sections detail how permissions and feature flags interact.

User Permissions

Permissions granted to users dictate their ability to perform actions within the application, such as running TAR sets and managing AI functionalities.

For AI TAR (Active Learning), there are two permissions:

  1. Active Learning Access
    • View access to Active Learning projects and the monitor page.
    • Monitor progress, view scores, and analyze results without modification abilities.
  2. Manage AL Projects
    • Ability to run Active Learning sets, update scores, pause, and deactivate projects.
    • Includes the ability to edit project settings.
    • Ideal for project managers or team leads actively managing and optimizing TAR projects.

🔹 Note: The Create and Manage Sets permission includes the ability to kick off Active Learning ingestions/preprocessing. There is no separate permission for kicking off sets—users with this permission can automatically start TAR ingestion/preprocessing jobs.

Case-Level Feature Flags

Feature flags control the visibility and availability of specific features within the workspace.

Example Scenarios:

  • Users may have permissions to run sets, but might not see AI TAR sets if the workspace feature flag for Active Learning is turned off.
  • Users with "Manage AL Projects" permissions may not see the Active Learning tab if the workspace-level feature flag is disabled.