Incremental Reports


Incremental reports have a toggle in the top-right corner that switches between Aggregate and Incremental report views.

When the toggle switch is on Aggregate, the summary cards and full reports show the existing normal report information. When Incremental is toggled on, all the summary cards and full reports show new incremental report numbers and calculations only for the newly added documents. For example, a build has 200,000 documents in a set, and then 50,000 new documents are added to an incremental build. The Aggregate report after this incremental run shows results based on the full 250,000 documents. However, the incremental report shows results based only on the newly added 50,000 documents. Use Export Report to open each type of report, Incremental or Aggregate, in a new window, then compare the reports side-by-side. Most of the graphs and information are the same between aggregate and incremental reports, with a few new numbers and calculations for Incremental reports for Email Threading, Near, and Text Duplicates algorithms. Relational reports are the only ones that have new information categories because they have the potential to update previously created groups. The other algorithms operate on the document level, so an incremental report only refers to the new documents.

These extra data categories are described below.

Email Threading incremental report

In addition to the usual email threading report details, there are these new groups of documents:

  • DOCUMENTS ADDED TO EXISTING THREAD GROUPS—This graph shows new documents that were added in the incremental run that also became part of newly created thread groups that didn’t exist before the incremental run.

  • DOCUMENTS ADDED TO PRE-EXISTING THREAD GROUPS—This graph shows new documents that were added in the incremental run that became part of pre-existing thread groups that already existed before the incremental run.

  • Other Thread Characteristics:

    • Pre-existing thread groups updated

    • Pre-existing thread groups not updated

    • Documents that were previously unique that are now not unique

    • Documents that were previously not unique that are now unique

    • Total inclusives added

    • Total duplicate spares added

    • Action Forward added

    • Action reply added

    • Action Reply all added

Documents Added to New and Pre-Existing Thread Groups Example

Other Thread Characteristics Example

Near Duplicate and Text Duplicate incremental report

In addition to the usual Near Duplicate and Text Duplicate report details, there are these new groups of documents:

  • DOCUMENTS ADDED TO NEW GROUPS—The bar graph shows new documents that were added in the incremental run, which also became part of newly created groups that didn’t exist before the incremental run.

  • DOCUMENTS ADDED TO PRE-EXISTING GROUPS—The bar graph shows new documents that were added in the incremental run, which became part of pre-existing groups that already existed before the incremental run.

Near and Text Duplicate Documents Added to New and Pre-Existing Groups Example

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