Batch Inclusive Messages for Review


This workflow provides details on using MA's email threading output to identify and batch inclusive content to enable reviewers to review unique content within your email threaded document population without having to review redundant content that does not offer any new information.


You must have the following MA permissions:

View people profiles—required permission to view People Profiles under the Entity Profile tab. When disabled, it disables the Entity Profiles tab and disables the ability to click into people or organization details. Color coding by function remains viewable within reports and MA Viewers.

Edit entity profiles—allows access to the Edit Selected Profiles and Edit All Profiles menu options under the Actions menu on the People List and Organization List pages. Allows access to the Edit menu item under the Edit menu for a specific person or a specific organization. When disabled, it hides all edit options on the Actions and Edit menus.

Bulk edit entity profiles—allows access to the Bulk Update menu options on the Actions menu on the People and Organizations List pages for selected or all persons or organizations. When disabled, it hides the Bulk Update menu options.

In addition to the above permissions, Relativity Object and other Relativity permissions must be enabled for full functionality.

What is email threading?

An “email thread” is a group of emails and attachments all belonging to the same email conversation, also known as an email chain. MA's email threading algorithm groups documents together into email threads and identifies which documents in the threads contain unique content. Documents that do not contain unique content can be removed or excluded.

There are three key email threading concepts to understand when crafting your document batching strategy:

  • Inclusive Documents: An inclusive document, either email or attachment, contains unique content that is not present in documents located elsewhere in the same thread.
  • Unique Content:  Documents, emails, or attachments, that can or cannot be excluded from a document set to reduce the volume without losing unique content.
  • Duplicate Spares:  Duplicate emails that contain the same content and are located in the same thread location as another email.

Identifying unique content for reviewers

As you assemble your search for identifying unique email content, use rules that return only the unique content that you're looking for and ensure the sorting of the returned content groups' email threads together.  To accomplish this, the recommended settings for the source saved search for a batch set are profiled below.

All other settings can be configured according to the needs of the project.

Saved Search Criteria:

  • ETGroup is set
  • Is Inclusive = Yes
  • Is Duplicate = No
  • Optional: Related Items to Include: Family
    • Note: The above Inclusive + Duplicate pairing results in the most reduced population, however, due to MA’s handling of attachments, there may be broken families in the result.

Sort Criteria:

  • ETGroup (asc)
  • ::Sort (asc)

Relativity Sort Criteria for the Inclusive Result Set

Batch Set Grouping to group the thread documents together:

  • Family Field: ETGroup
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