Discover Law Firm Communicators


Use MA's auto-recognition of law firm email domains in an email population to locate and review documents that were sent from or sent to a law firm email domain in your data population. This can be helpful in identifying organizations and people that are serving in a legal capacity, whether it be outside counsel, co-counsel, or opposing counsel.


You must have the following MA permissions:

View people profiles—required permission to view People Profiles under the Entity Profile tab. When disabled, it disables the Entity Profiles tab and disables the ability to click into people or organization details. Color coding by function remains viewable within reports and MA Viewers.

Edit entity profiles—allows access to the Edit Selected Profiles and Edit All Profiles menu options under the Actions menu on the People List and Organization List pages. Allows access to the Edit menu item under the Edit menu for a specific person or a specific organization. When disabled, it hides all edit options on the Actions and Edit menus.

Bulk edit entity profiles—allows access to the Bulk Update menu options on the Actions menu on the People and Organizations List pages for selected or all persons or organizations. When disabled, it hides the Bulk Update menu options.

In addition to the above permission, Relativity Object and other Relativity permissions must be enabled for full functionality.

Auto-classification of law firm email domains

When Name Normalization and Entity Analysis is run, the process extracts People and Organization entities from the top level and subsumed message headers in a document population. Organizations are extracted based on detected email domains from email addresses found within the email headers. During the creation of the Organization entities, MA uses an auto-classification process to compare the domain against a library of over 1,800 past and present law firms. These organizations are automatically identified as an Organization Type of "Law Firm" and allow direct access to all individuals within the data population with an email address with that specified domain.

Organization List Filtered to Law Firm Organization Types

Discovering lawyers

To view people entities that had at least one document with an email address from a specific domain associated with their People Profile during name normalization, open the desired Organization Profile. The Profile page provides a table at the bottom that lists all people that possessed an email address for the specified domain, including their Primary Organization, their assigned Function, whether they are Key or Custodians, and the number of emails with the corresponding email domain. Access individual People Profiles by clicking their names or view the corresponding documents directly in Relativity by clicking on the linked document count in the right column.

Organization Profile Listing Selected People Profiles

From the list of people entities associated with a specific law firm, you can select individual profiles or all profiles and perform a mass edit to the profiles to mark them as Key, as Custodians, identify their Primary Organization, or update their Function. Updating Functions color-codes individual names within reports, MA viewers, and communication analysis, and enables identification of potentially privileged and potential 3rd party waiver documents.

Bulk Update Function for Selected Profiles

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