Add Markers
NOTE: Classifier highlighting i(such as PII) s not available in this release.
Enrich your document review experience in the Thread Viewer by adding Content and Communication Markers. Content Markers have two types, Field tags and Classifier highlighting. Communication Markers help you visualize participants throughout an email thread to understand when communicators enter and exit the branches of communication. All enrichment settings of the viewers, including content markers, highlighting, and communication markers, are user-specific, so each user needs to configure these settings in their own session using Settings.
Add content markers
Content markers add color-coded field tags to visualize content flagged as dots in the Map and Conversation views. Content markers can be field tags showing Responsiveness, Privilege, etc., that appear on an entire thread group. Content markers can also be used to show hit highlighting for Classifier results. Field tags can be very helpful in the context of QC, drawing the attention of reviewers to specific messages within an email thread or providing visual confirmation that the tags you apply with the viewer were applied as expected. Classifier highlighting helps by highlighting text hit by MA Classifiers, for example, in the context of privilege analytics with Tier 3 - General Legal Topics. Highlights are both dots on nodes and red highlighting in the conversation view. Click the icon to display the Content Markers popup to add Content Markers. Add field tags to the viewer using the Select Field Tag drop-down menu. Items on the menu are Relativity choices associated with single or multi-choice fields. Type ahead to select up to four tags. When selections are applied, colored squares appear on the map view to indicate where the choices are present. In the conversation view, squares appear with their corresponding labels. Field tags correspond to choices, not to fields.
Color |
Hit highlighting matches the colors for the selected type in conversation and map views. Only four colors are allowed, but multiple sub-types can use the same color. |
Type |
Select the type of content markers to include in the thread viewer and the color you would like to associate with each content marker. There are two types of content markers: Field Tags, which display information about single or multi-choice fields applied on the document, and Classifiers, which display information and highlighting from MA classifier runs. Field Tags—Select single-choice or multi-choice fields as input for a field tag. You can select all the choices in a field as the input, or you can limit the input to specific choices in a field. You can also select different choices across different fields to act as an input to a single field tag. If the selected choice is present (i.e., applied) on the document, the corresponding color-coded content marker is displayed on that document in both the Map View and Conversation View. Classifiers—Select an MA classifier as an input, such as PII identification or a custom classifier. When a classifier is selected as a content marker, first select the set ID for the PII/classifier run you want to include as a content marker, then select the field choices you want to use as input. If a document has been hit (tagged) by the classifier input you selected, the corresponding color-coded content marker displays on that document in both the Map View and Conversation View, and hit highlighting displays on the text in the Conversation View. |
Values |
All values drop-downs have an "All" option, and any combination of values may be selected for the same color. All values selected here highlight hits in the map and conversation views. Field names are in bold, and field tags are below the field name. For example: Likely PII SSN CCN etc. Potential PII SSN CCN etc. If a classifier is selected, select a set. Values are drawn from the following field types:
If you hover over the value field, you see a summary of what was chosen. Hover to Display the Summary of Choices The red text highlighting only appears in the conversation view when you select a classifier as your content marker: Privilege Analytics, General Legal Topics PII Identification, or a custom classifier. |
QC using field tags and node hovers
Use field tags in conjunction with the Node Hovers to QC for consistent coding within a stack of duplicate spares and attachments. The field tag information will appear in the map view, the conversation view, and the node hovers. Within the node hovers, you can quickly see if all the documents in a single node (email, attachments, and duplicate spares) have consistent field tag information. If the coding on a document needs to be updated, click on the control number in the node hover to navigate directly to that document and update the coding in the layout. The example below shows how coding inconsistencies can be viewed with field tags and node hovers. The original document and its attachment were marked privileged, but the duplicate spares and the attachment were not marked privileged by the reviewer.
Add communication markers
Add communication markers to highlight different types of communicators. Choices include Inside Counsel, Outside Counsel, Manager, Client, Supplier, and Third-Party. This is especially helpful in understanding when certain types of communicators, such as lawyers, government agencies, or third parties, who enter and exit branches of communication A. See the Edit a Profile in the People Profiles article for more information about how to add these markers to communicators. After selecting the communication markers that can be used, a legend displays the color codes for the selections. Red trumps yellow. This means that if a message has someone grouped into both yellow and red, it highlights in red. To set up communication markers, click on the gear. Configure markers here to facilitate your type of review; for example, for Privilege Review, mark attorney-client communicators in red and third parties in blue to easily see potential privilege waivers. This color theme matches the default colors assigned to each function, which can be adjusted in People Profiles.
Entering and leaving communicators
Once the communication markers are set up and the thread viewer refreshes, view the left spine of the nodes in both the map view and conversation views that indicate which type of communicators are present on a node. From left to right, the indicator appears when a person with the mapped role is added to a conversation. You can see at a glance when a third party is introduced on a branch. Click through to the conversation view to confirm. If both types of communicators are present on a node, the marker splits colors on the node.